33 Days to 40!!!

33 Days to 40 and the 1st Day of November!!! Isn’t God amazing?!!! He has kept us through all the days of this year thus far! I remember December 2018 like it was just yesterday. I remember the hopes I had for this year and all the plans I was making in advance of it! I am taking stock and I testify that God has been merciful and kind, and that only He, has preserved us!

On day 33 of my countdown, I feel especially grateful for the people who offer me support! Grateful for a driver that drives so I can compose posts and graphics in traffic. Grateful for a beautiful crèche that I feel safe enough with to take my precious little one to. The availability of the crèche made going back to work easier when I first had her. Grateful for help at home so that I spend my time at home “being” with my loved ones instead of “doing” chores… Grateful for that though I woke up late and rushed out this morning, that I’ll be able to order food and have it delivered… Grateful for my mechanic, for the car wash (I have mild OCD, if I didn’t find a good car wash, I would wash my car myself every Saturday morning, LOL! 🙈)… grateful for the lady who’ll braid

my hair at home tonight!!! I am grateful!!!

There’s so much infrastructure that supports my ability to thrive and today I choose to “see” them and to be thankful for them! I consciously let the Universe know, I am open to more support, more wealth, more abundance and more joy!!! 💋💋💋💋

#hajwillbe40 #countdown #33daysto40 #myyearofjubilee #Queensarebornin79 #3rd #gratitudejournal #thanksgiving


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